Ukrainians from Sviatohirsk rebuild their city damaged by Russian attacks

Ukrainians from Sviatohirsk rebuild their city damaged by Russian attacks

People rebuild houses, bridge in northern city in Donetsk region after it suffers destruction in attacks by Russian troops

By Seda Sevencan

ISTANBUL (AA) – Ukrainians are diligently working to rebuild the city of Sviatohirsk in the northern part of the Donetsk region after it suffered damage in attacks by Russian troops.

Many houses and a bridge near the Holy Mountains Lavra, a significant Orthodox Christian monastery, are now receiving much-needed attention as the community strives to restore normalcy.

Despite the challenges, the resolute stance of the Ukrainians shines through as they rebuild and reclaim hope for a brighter future amid the ruins of conflict.

Russia launched a war in Ukraine in February last year, resulting in thousands of deaths and destruction.

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