UN demands immediate end to expulsion of migrants from Tunisia

UN demands immediate end to expulsion of migrants from Tunisia

Hundreds of migrants abandoned in Tunisia-Libya desert without food, water or shelter, according to human rights groups

By Betul Yuruk

UNITED NATIONS (AA) - The UN Tuesday called for an immediate end to the expulsions of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers from Tunisia to the borders with Libya and Algeria.

In July, hundreds of people from sub-Saharan African countries were forced from the coastal city of Sfax by Tunisian security forces, and left stranded in a desolate desert area, without food, water or shelter, according to human rights groups.

"We are deeply concerned about the expulsion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers from Tunisia to the borders with Libya and also Algeria," UN deputy spokesperson told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York.

"Several have died at the border with Libya and hundreds including pregnant women and children reportedly remain stranded in extremely dire conditions with little access to food and water."

Haq called for the urgent relocation of those stranded along the border to safe locations where they can be protected and have access to adequate water, food, shelter and medical care.

"All migrants refugees and asylum seekers must be protected and treated with dignity and full respect for their human rights regardless of their status, and in accordance with international human rights and refugee law," he added.

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