UN launches appeal for $268 million to support Ukrainians in need

UN launches appeal for $268 million to support Ukrainians in need

UN, partners will prioritize emergency repairs to homes, provide clothes, heating appliances, winter supplies, says spokesman

By Iclal Turan

WASHINGTON (AA) - The UN said Tuesday it launched an appeal for $268 million to support more than 1.3 million Ukrainians in need for the coming winter months.

"The war has severely damaged homes, energy, water, and gas infrastructure, putting millions at extreme risk during the cold season which, in Ukraine, normally starts in October running through March. Temperatures can drop as low as -30 degrees Celsius," UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters.

Dujarric said the UN and its partners will prioritize emergency repairs to homes in front-line communities and provide clothes, heating appliances and winter supplies.

"We also prioritize repairs in displacement centers and financial aid to displaced people to ensure they can pay rent or utility bills. Aid organizations will also help with repairs to ensure municipal heating systems are working," he said.

"The response will build on efforts made during the last winter, when humanitarian organizations reached 2.2 million people with similar services and distributed over 4,000 generators amidst a severe energy crisis," he added.

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