UN says ‘too soon to evaluate' China peace plan for Ukraine

UN says ‘too soon to evaluate' China peace plan for Ukraine

Proposal should be in line with UN resolution, charter, says spokesman

By Betul Yuruk

UNITED NATIONS (AA) - A UN spokesperson said Tuesday that it is "too soon for the world body to evaluate" China's peace proposal to end the war in Ukraine.

"We would need more details on the proposal in the first place," Farhan Haq told reports. "But of course, we encourage all efforts made by all countries to do what they can to resolve this conflict through dialogue."

"Every peace process is unique. They take their own dynamics. It's very clear what the General Assembly resolution states. It is very clear what the UN Charter says, and so we want any peace that results to be in line with those," he said.

His remarks came after Chinese President Xi Jinping met his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, met in Moscow to discuss the conflict in Ukraine.

Putin said China’s proposals could be used as the basis for talks.

China proposed a 12-point plan last month.

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