UN Secretary-General backs Nigeria's approach to terror victims

UN Secretary-General backs Nigeria's approach to terror victims

Antonio Guterres meets displaced persons, former terrorists in volatile northeast

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AA) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Tuesday that he fully supports Nigeria's approach to addressing the challenges of terrorism in the country’s volatile northeast region.

Speaking at a press conference in Maiduguri, the epicenter of the region’s terrorist attacks, Guterres said the nation's efforts at building trust with the civil population, providing support to victims of terrorism and ensuring the safe and dignified return of displaced persons and refugees have helped in addressing terrorism in the region.

"The government has not only understood but also took the right approach to fighting terrorism," he said.

He said he saw victims of terrorism at a displaced persons' camp smiling despite the initial despair and suffering that pervaded the area.

Guterres said military operations alone cannot end terrorism but the building of trust with people and increasing support for the livelihoods of victims of terrorist attacks must also take place.

He asked the international community to support the people of the affected region.

It marked Guterres’ first visit to Nigeria since becoming UN Secretary-General in 2017.

He also met displaced victims of terrorist attacks and former terrorists at a holding facility located in the city center.

He had earlier visited two other African countries -- Senegal and Niger.

Kaynak:Source of News

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