UPDATE 2 - 6 Palestinians killed in Israeli bombing in area of Jenin in occupied West Bank

UPDATE 2 - 6 Palestinians killed in Israeli bombing in area of Jenin in occupied West Bank

1 Israeli police officer killed, 3 others injured in explosion during earlier raid of city of Jenin


By Qais Abu Samra

JENIN, Palestine (AA) - At least six Palestinians were killed early Sunday when Israel bombed a civilian gathering area in the Jenin Governorate in the northern occupied West Bank.

In a statement, the Palestinian Health Ministry said: “Six Palestinians were martyred when the Israeli occupation bombed a gathering of citizens in Jenin.”

The Israeli army bombed a public gathering in Martyrs' Square near the city of Jenin in the West Bank, eyewitnesses told Anadolu.

Witnesses said the bombing resulted in many casualties, with human remains scattered at the scene, and the injured were taken to Jenin Governmental Hospital in the city.

- Israeli police officer killed in dawn raid

Earlier, at daybreak Sunday, Israeli forces stormed the city of Jenin – the center of the governorate – including its refugee camp and several neighborhoods. Sounds of gunfire and explosions were heard, according to witnesses.

Witnesses said that a helicopter bombed the camp, but no casualties were reported there.

At least one Israeli police officer was killed due to injuries sustained during the raid.

At least four Israeli officers were injured in an explosion during the raid, and two sustained serious injuries, said a joint Israeli army and police statement.

The wounded border police officers were taken to a hospital in northern Israel, where injured Shay Germay, a woman officer, was reported dead, a later joint statement said.

The casualties came from the explosion of a device on the roadside as an Israeli forces' vehicle was on site during the raid.

Images on social media showed a vehicle belonging to Israeli forces overturned due to the impact of the explosion.

Tensions have been high across the West Bank since fighting broke out in Gaza on Oct. 7 between Palestinian groups and Israel.

The number of Palestinian casualties in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is at least 330, according to Health Ministry data.

Since Oct. 7, Israeli attacks in the West Bank have escalated simultaneously with the devastating war against Gaza, which has killed at least 22,722 and injured some 58,166, most of them women and children.

The conflict has also caused extensive infrastructure damage and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, according to authorities in the Gaza Strip and the UN.

*Writing by Ikram Kouachi

UPDATE 2 - 6 Palestinians killed in Israeli bombing in area of Jenin in occupied West Bank

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