UPDATE 2 - All options, including state of emergency, will be considered to restore order: French premier

UPDATE 2 - All options, including state of emergency, will be considered to restore order: French premier

Top leadership, including PM Borne, President Macron, set to hold emergency meeting in Paris


By Nur Asena Erturk

ANKARA (AA) – All options, including the state of emergency, will be considered to restore law and order after a third night of protests over the fatal police shooting of a 17-year-old, the French prime minister said on Friday.

Elisabeth Borne told reporters that the government will be examining "all the options" with President Emmanuel Macron, who will hold an emergency meeting in the afternoon.

Earlier, the Le Figaro newspaper reported that the French president is prepared to adopt measures to restore law and order "without taboo." It said Macron left early from an EU summit in Brussels to return to Paris.

The president is expected to be briefed by Prime Minister Borne and Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin on recommendations to tackle the situation that developed after the death of Nahel M., who was shot dead by police on Tuesday in the Paris suburb of Nanterre for failing to stop over traffic violations, according to prosecutors.

Prosecutors say the officer who killed the teenager has been charged with voluntary homicide and placed in pre-trial detention.

More than 800 people have since been arrested across France, with clashes between protesters and police being reported in many cities including Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Roubaix, Marseille and Lille.

The protesters set fire to various buildings and vandalized public property, and a number of suburbs and towns in the Parisian region also imposed a curfew.

All the regions in France were affected and videos on social media showed protesters plundering restaurants and shops.

Public buildings including schools were also targeted, and at least dozen of public buses were set on fire and burnt in the Parisian region.

As many as 942 buildings were targeted, 2,000 vehicles set on fire and a total of 3,880 fires were started overnight, the Le Figaro has quoted Macron as saying.​​​​​​​

Borne in an earlier tweet had described the acts of violence as "intolerable and inexcusable."

The Interior Ministry said police arrested 875 people, including 408 in the Parisian region. As many as 249 police officers were also injured during the clashes.​

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