UPDATE 3 - Turkey neutralizes 8 PKK terrorists in ops

UPDATE 3 - Turkey neutralizes 8 PKK terrorists in ops

Anti-terror operations conducted in SE Mardin, Hakkari, eastern Erzurum, Van provinces


By Muhammed Ali Toruntay, Fahrettin Gok and Burcu Calik

ERZURUM/VAN/ANKARA, Turkey (AA) – At least eight PKK terrorists were neutralized on Wednesday as part of anti-terror operations in eastern and southeastern Turkey.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply that the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

In the southeastern Mardin province, the Turkish Border Security Guard killed a PKK terrorist in the Nusaybin district in self-defense, the Turkish General Staff said in a tweet Wednesday.

Earlier, security forces launched an anti-terror operation in eastern Erzurum's Karayazi district on Monday, according to a statement by the provincial governorship.

Two terrorists were neutralized during the operation, while a security officer got minor injuries, it said.

Security forces also seized a gun silencer, two rounds of a magazine, two thermal cameras, hand-made explosives, and various materials including cables, umbrellas, and sleeping bags during the operation.

Raids against the PKK terror group continue with determination, the statement added.

Separately, another anti-terror operation saw two more PKK terrorists neutralized in Gurpinar district of eastern Van province, the provincial governor’s office said on Wednesday.

The Turkish Armed Forces also conducted airstrikes in the northern Iraqi regions of Hakurk and Zap, the General Staff said in a statement on Wednesday.

Airstrikes Tuesday destroyed shelters, weapon emplacements, and ammunition depots used by PKK terrorists, the statement added.

In the southwestern Hakkari province, two terrorists determined to be responsible for killing a special operations officer last week were neutralized, according to the governor's office.

The statement also said that the body of a female terrorist, along with weapons and ammunition, was found in the Semdinli district.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people.

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