UPDATE - 7 Daesh/ISIS suspects arrested across Türkiye

UPDATE - 7 Daesh/ISIS suspects arrested across Türkiye

Anti-terror police arrest 5 suspects in Istanbul, 2 in Konya province


By Savas Guler and Basak Akbulut Yazar

ISTANBUL/KONYA, Türkiye (AA) — Turkish security forces have arrested a total of seven people suspected of having links to the Daesh/ISIS terror group, security sources said on Tuesday.

Prosecutors in the central Konya province issued arrest warrants for Ercan T. and Sibel U., said the sources on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

Ercan, 41, was a senior member of the organization. Sibel was sentenced to 6 years and three months in prison.

Provincial anti-terror police detained the suspects and they were transferred to the courthouse after their procedures at the police station.

Separately, anti-terror police in Istanbul arrested a total of five suspects, said another source who also asked not to be named.

Suspects were accused of providing financial support for the spouses and children of Daesh/ISIS terrorists through social media.

The suspects collected money under the name of donations and used them to pay the rent and bills of members of the terrorist organization.

Türkiye was one of the first countries to declare Daesh/ISIS a terror group.

The country has since been attacked by the terror organization multiple times. It has carried out at least 10 suicide bombings, seven bomb attacks and four armed attacks, killing 315 people and injuring hundreds more.

In response, Türkiye launched anti-terror operations at home and abroad to prevent further attacks.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

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