UPDATE -French FM in Iraq for talks on reconstruction

UPDATE -French FM in Iraq for talks on reconstruction

A donor conference on reconstruction of Iraqi territory opened in Kuwait


By Ibrahim Salih

BAGHDAD (AA) – French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arrived in Iraqi capital Baghdad on Monday for talks on the reconstruction of territory recaptured from the Daesh terrorist group.

“I have come to Baghdad to emphasize our support to the Iraqi people in different fields,” Le Drian said during a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart Ibrahim al-Jaafari, according to a statement issued by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry.

“We are looking forward to contributing in rebuilding the infrastructure of Iraqi cities,” he said.

The top diplomat said French President Emmanuel Macron will visit Baghdad soon, without giving an exact date.

Le Drian arrived in Baghdad earlier Monday on an unannounced visit, which comes as an international donor conference opened in neighboring Kuwait to raise funds for the reconstruction of Iraq following the fight against the Daesh terrorist group.

Some 2,300 companies from 70 countries are expected to take part in the three-day event.

Iraq aims to secure investments worth $100 billion to rebuild its infrastructure in the post-Daesh era.

“We count on the active participation of the international community in the donor conference and in standing by the Iraqi people,” al-Jaafari said.

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