UPDATE - Israeli premier fitted with pacemaker ahead of crucial vote

UPDATE - Israeli premier fitted with pacemaker ahead of crucial vote

Prime Minister’s Office says Netanyahu in good health after operation, expected to be discharged


By Enes Canli and Handan Kazanci

ISTANBUL/JERUSALEM (AA) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu underwent a successful surgery early Sunday to be fitted with a pacemaker, local media reported.

The operation was held at the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan a week after Netanyahu was hospitalized for dehydration and had a heart monitoring device implanted, and on the eve of a crucial parliament vote to pass into a controversial judicial reform.

“Around 4 a.m., the hospital said the procedure — performed by Prof. Roy Beinart and Prof. Eyal Nof — was completed successfully and without complications,” The Times of Israel said, adding that Netanyahu was in good condition and that he would “stay for observation at the cardiology department at Sheba.”

The Prime Minister’s Office also confirmed that the operation was completed successfully, he was feeling good and was expected to be discharged.

"I wish to thank the many of you who asked how I feel, I feel great. Tomorrow morning I will join my friends in the Knesset," Netanyahu said in a video message posted on Twitter.

He added that he will go to the parliament to vote on the bill that will end the Supreme Court's control over the government.

Israel has been in political turmoil in recent months over the planned judicial reform, with the opposition accusing the government of a power grab in favor of executive authority.

The legislation has drawn intense opposition, with hundreds of thousands protesting and some reservists saying they will halt their volunteer duty if it goes ahead.

Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to host Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Netanyahu separately in Türkiye next week.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

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