UPDATE - Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in northern Iraq

UPDATE - Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in northern Iraq

Military says terror group's shelters, bunkers and weapon dumps in Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq bombed


ANKARA (AA) – Turkish warplanes destroyed targets of the terrorist PKK group in northern Iraq on Thursday, the military has said.

In a statement Friday, the Turkish General Staff said its jets attacked the terror group's shelters, bunkers and weapons depot in the Qandil Mountains.

According to the statement, Turkish warplanes carried out airstrikes against the PKK between 9.00 p.m. and 9.45 p.m. [1800-1845 GMT] local time Thursday.

Turkish F-16 and F-4 2020 warplanes safely returned to their base after hitting their targets, the military added.

In a separate statement published also on Friday, the Turkish General Staff said airstrikes were also conducted in northern Iraq's Bazian, Zap and Avasin regions, where the PKK said to have its terrorist camps.

The statement said ammunition dumps, shelters and two terror camps were destroyed by F-16 aircraft Thursday.

Meanwhile, a terrorist attack in southeastern Mardin claimed a village guard's life Friday afternoon, security sources said.

A roadside bomb also hit an armored vehicle in Mardin’s Baglica district, injuring eight soldiers, the sources added.

Kaynak:Source of News

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