US and Russia dispute over Syria in UN Security Council

US and Russia dispute over Syria in UN Security Council

UN envoys of Washington and Moscow blamed each other for atrocities in Syria

By Safvan Allahverdi

WASHINGTON (AA) - The U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN on Wednesday said it is time for Russia to use its influence over the Syrian regime for peace in Syria.

"Russia was supposed to guarantee adherence to these de-escalation zones to help the political process. But then again, Russia was also supposed to guarantee that all chemical weapons would be removed from Syria," Nikki Haley said at the UN Security Council meeting on Syria.

"Instead, we see the Assad regime continue to bomb, starve, and yes, gas civilians."

Describing Bashar al-Assad regime as "a front for Iran and Hezbollah", she also criticized Tehran for having the irresponsible behavior for the Middle East.

“The Assad regime has become a front for Iran, Hezbollah, and their allies to advance the irresponsible and dangerous agenda for the Middle East. On every front of this conflict, we find fighters imported by Iran from Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan," she said, adding that Hezbollah is also directly behind the atrocities committed by Syrian regime.

She said the U.S. cannot offer support for peace while ignoring Iran's support for terrorism in the Middle East and its terrorist militia's effort to settle in the country.

“Ultimately, we must recognize that the Assad regime does not want peace unless it’s peace on their terms – a peace in which every person in Syria who opposes the regime is murdered, tortured, starved, imprisoned, or forced to flee the country,” she added.

Complaining about the constant demands to Russia, Moscow's Permanent Representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia said the U.S. and its allies should use their influence over the regime-oppositions to prevent violence in response to Haley's criticism.

Nebenzia added that the political process in Syria must be free from international pressures.

In addition, France's Permanent Representative to the UN Francois Delattre said more stability in the area would help negotiations in Vienna later this month that will focus on Syria’s future and ending the civil war by bringing together the regime and opposition.

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