US defense chief in intensive care due to bladder issue: Pentagon

US defense chief in intensive care due to bladder issue: Pentagon

It is not clear how long Lloyd Austin will be hospitalized, says US Defense Department

By Gizem Nisa Cebi

ISTANBUL (AA) - US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was transported to the critical care unit at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington for close monitoring due to a recurring bladder problem, said the Pentagon on Monday.

“The current bladder issue is not expected to change his anticipated full recovery. His cancer prognosis remains excellent. Updates on the Secretary's condition will be provided as soon as possible," the Pentagon said in a statement.

The statement added that the deputy secretary is prepared to take over Austin’s duties if necessary.

Austin was diagnosed with prostate cancer late last year and had surgery on Dec. 22.

However, complications arose, leading to his hospitalization due to severe pain on Jan. 1.

He stayed in intensive care for treatment until Jan. 15 and worked remotely from home until Jan. 29.

The hospitalization was controversial as news emerged that not even President Joe Biden, Austin’s boss, was aware of his condition for days.

While acknowledging he should have been told earlier, Biden said Austin’s job was safe.

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