US-led coalition hits 9 Daesh targets in northern Syria

US-led coalition hits 9 Daesh targets in northern Syria

U.S. Central Command says tactical units, fighting positions and Daesh vehicles destroyed near Manbij

WASHINGTON (AA) - The U.S.-led coalition bombed at least nine Daesh positions near Manbij in northern Syria Saturday, the U.S. Central Command said Sunday.

According to a CENTCOM statement, "Near Manbij, nine strikes struck nine separate ISIL [Daesh] tactical units and destroyed 11 ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle."

Manbij is a 98-kilometer (61-mile) strip in Syria along the Turkish border. Since the beginning of June, the coalition has supported local forces with more than 200 airstrikes to “liberate” Manbij, the statement said.

The Syrian Arab Coalition is leading the operation and will be responsible for securing Manbij once it is freed, it added.

Syrian Arabs are supported by the Syrian Democratic Forces, predominantly comprised of the YPG, the military wing of the terrorist PYD group.

Turkey has long expressed concerns about the PYD group and its link to the PKK terrorists. Washington has assured Ankara that the PYD and the YPG will not be in Manbij after it is freed from Daesh, according to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

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