US prepared to act 'forcefully' to protect personnel in Syria: Biden

US prepared to act 'forcefully' to protect personnel in Syria: Biden

President says US 'does not seek conflict with Iran' but prepared to respond 'forcefully' to protect Americans

WASHINGTON (AA) - President Joe Biden said Friday that the US "does not seek conflict with Iran" but is prepared to “act forcefully” to protect American personnel in Syria.

“That's exactly what happened last night,” Biden told reporters in Canada during a news conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Biden started his speech by noting his national security team informed him about a deadly drone by Iranian-backed groups against a US base in Syria on Thursday, which killed an American contractor and injured five service members along with another contractor.

Biden said he ordered his team to formulate an “immediate response,” noting that US airstrikes in Syria targeted those responsible for the attack.

“My heart and deepest condolences to the family of the American we lost and wish speedy recovery for those who are wounded,” he said. “But I'm also grateful for the professionalism of our service members who so ably carried out this response.”

The US conducted airstrikes Thursday against Iran-backed groups in response.

The Pentagon confirmed Friday that a US military facility in northeast Syria came under a second attack by Iranian-backed forces following the US airstrike late Thursday.

Kaynak:Source of News

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