US urges its citizens to avoid mass gatherings during France protests

US urges its citizens to avoid mass gatherings during France protests

Police killing of teenager in Paris suburb triggered protests

By Seda Sevencan

ISTANBUL (AA) – The US urged on Thursday its citizens in France to avoid mass gatherings during the protests that erupted following the shooting death of a 17-year-old delivery driver by police in a Paris suburb.

US Embassy Paris said in a release that demonstrations have spread throughout the greater Paris region and other major urban centers, leading to damage to private property and public buildings.

"These demonstrations, along with spontaneous protests, are expected to continue and may turn violent. U.S. citizens should avoid mass gatherings and areas of significant police activity as they can turn violent and result in clashes. Some cities are imposing curfews," said the embassy.

It said that some cities have imposed curfews, and added that citizens who are not likely to return home were advised to contact the Red Cross.

Nahel was shot dead by police after he broke traffic laws and failed to stop in a Paris suburb of Nanterre, according to prosecutors.

His death sparked protests in Nanterre, leading to overnight clashes between demonstrators and police.

French prosecutors said on Thursday that the policeman who killed a teenager in the Paris suburb of Nanterre has been charged with voluntary homicide and placed in pre-trial detention.

Earlier, tensions rose during a solemn march led by Nahel's mother in Nanterre. Paris police reported that more than 6,000 people joined the protest gathering.

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