Uzbek, Turkish businessmen gather for iftar dinner in Tashkent

Uzbek, Turkish businessmen gather for iftar dinner in Tashkent

'The activities of Turkish entrepreneurs are the cornerstone of our bilateral economic cooperation,' says head of Uzbekistan & Türkiye Business People Association

By Bahtiyar Abdülkerimov

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan (AA) - Turkish businessmen operating in Uzbekistan gathered at an iftar or fast-breaking dinner Tuesday organized by the Uzbekistan & Türkiye Business People Association (UTID).

UTID hosted the Ramadan event for Turkish and Uzbek businessmen at a hotel in the capital city Tashkent.

The event was attended by Türkiye's Ambassador to Uzbekistan Olgan Bekar, Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Davran Vahabov, the Chairman of the Türkiye-Uzbekistan Business Council, Ozgur Onur Ozguven and officials from both countries.

UTID President Davut Azmi Erbas, in his speech during the event, thanked the Uzbek side for their support of the association and its members' activities while providing information about the association's activities.

Erbas highlighted that UTID, with 117 members, is not limited to activities only in Uzbekistan and Türkiye but also collaborates with businessmen from other countries who wish to invest in the country alongside Turkish businessmen.

Ambassador Bekar emphasized the high-level development of relations between Uzbekistan and Türkiye, expressing confidence in making the most of this period of heightened relations between the two countries politically and economically.

"The activities of Turkish entrepreneurs are the cornerstone of our bilateral economic cooperation," he added.

The program concluded with a prayer led by Mahmut Turk, the religious affairs counselor at the Tashkent Embassy, after serving various dishes from Turkish cuisine.

*Writing by Alperen Aktas from Istanbul

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