Volcanic eruptions trigger state of emergency in Indonesia

Volcanic eruptions trigger state of emergency in Indonesia

Authorities say hundreds of deep volcano earthquakes recorded, sea level normal but they are staying alert

By Anadolu staff

Indonesian authorities on Thursday declared an emergency in the North Sulawesi province after a volcanic eruption disrupted local communication systems.

According to the state-run Antara News Agency, the Ruang volcano erupted multiple times, spewing lava and ash clouds into the sky. The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency said they are using all technological resources to monitor and mitigate potential tsunamis.

Together with the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation, the agency continues “to monitor sea levels to anticipate the potential for a tsunami around Mount Ruang," said Daryono, head of the agency’s Earthquake and Tsunami Center, said Antara.

He added that so far, all sea conditions are normal but they continue to be on alert.

Some media reports said that authorities also closed Sam Ratulangi International Airport in the city of Manado while no one was allowed to visit the affected areas.

Hundreds of people were also displaced during the last two days and were taken to temporary shelters.

Located on Ruang Island about 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the provincial capital of Manado, the volcano has erupted several times since Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of more than 11,000 residents, which make up most of the entire population on the island.

According to the agency, official data showed that in the past 24 hours, there have been five eruptions as high as 1,800-3,000 meters from the peak of Mount Ruang.

The eruption also caused volcanic earthquakes, as the volcanology center recorded 1,439 deep, 569 shallow, six local tectonic, and 167 deep tectonic earthquakes on Mount Ruang.

Authorities also declared an emergency in the affected region until April 29.

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