West African military chiefs to discuss Niger this week

West African military chiefs to discuss Niger this week

Meeting to be held on Thursday, Friday in Ghanian capital Accra

By Olanrewaju Kola

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AA) - Military chiefs from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will meet in Ghana to discuss a possible military intervention in Niger, an official said.

Amos Lungu, a spokesperson for the 15-nation Western African bloc, told Anadolu that the meeting would be held in Accra on Thursday and Friday.

Last month, Gen. Abdourahamane Tchiani, the former commander of Niger's presidential guard, declared himself the head of a transitional government after President Mohamed Bazoum was ousted by a military intervention on July 26.

ECOWAS leaders last week ordered to activate its standby force in order to "restore constitutional order" in Niger.

Kaynak:Source of News

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