West Africa's 600-year old market still bustles with business activities

West Africa's 600-year old market still bustles with business activities

Kurmi Market in Nigeria's historic Kano city was one of main destinations for traders in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Adam Abu-bashal

KANO, Nigeria (AA) – Established nearly 600 years ago, Kurmi Market of Nigeria's historic Kano city is still bustling with business activities, attracting locals and tourists.

Located on West Africa's trade route, the historic market is visited not only by Nigerians, but many travelers and traders from neighboring Niger, Chad, and Cameroon.

Kurmi Market, which was famous for the slave trade when it was founded in the 15th century, offers buyers a range of products, including textiles, spices, and traditional items.

Hundreds of small shops on the alleys of the market carry traces of the past.

Kurmi, which used to be one of the main destinations for traders in Sub-Saharan Africa in the past, also offers historical attractions to local and foreign tourists.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Alhaji Abdullahi Maikano, head of the market, stated that Kurmi Market was founded as a storage center in the 15th century where people used to conduct barter trade.

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