White House sends condolences over Russian plane crash

White House sends condolences over Russian plane crash

The US 'deeply saddened' by plane crash in Moscow suburbs that killed over 70 people

By Muhammed Bilal Kenasari

WASHINGTON (AA) - The U.S. administration expressed its condolences to Russia after a passenger plane crash killed 71 people onboard Sunday.

"The United States is deeply saddened by the tragic deaths of those on board Saratov Airlines Flight 703,” the White House said in a statement.

“We send our condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and to the people of Russia," the statement added.

The Saratov Airlines flight crashed near Ramenskoe town, in the Moscow's suburbs, according to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Aboard the flight were six crew members and 65 passengers, including a child.

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