Wildfires rage in northeastern Greece for 4th day as another wildfire breaks out near Athens

Wildfires rage in northeastern Greece for 4th day as another wildfire breaks out near Athens

Fire fighters evacuate 60 patients from hospital onto a ferry in Alexandropolis, while other fires rage in Aspropyrgos near capital

By Nur Asena Erturk

A wildfire that erupted over the weekend in northeastern Greece raged for the fourth day on Tuesday, with a report of another fire breaking out in a town near the capital Athens.

Over 60 patients were evacuated from a hospital onto a ferry in the city of Alexandropolis (Dedeagac), according to the daily Kathimerini.

Other fires also broke out in the town of Aspropyrgos, near Athens, according to the fire department.

The strong winds are making it more difficult to put out the fires, fire brigade spokesperson Ioannis Artopios said on Monday evening.

On Sunday night, the national fire service reported that firefighters had battled at least 53 forest fires since Friday evening.

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