With Turkish upgrade, Azerbaijani Su-25 war jet successfully passes its 1st test flight

With Turkish upgrade, Azerbaijani Su-25 war jet successfully passes its 1st test flight

Vehicle, modernized in Türkiye by Turkish Aerospace Industries, to be used by Azerbaijani fighter pilots when needed, says country’s Defense Ministry

By Merve Berker

The first of Azerbaijan's Su-25 aircraft modernized by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has successfully passed its tests, Azerbaijan said on Saturday.

“The process of modernization of the Azerbaijan Army’s weapons and equipment is being carried out by the application of the latest technologies,” Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“According to plan, the Su-25 attack aircraft sent to Türkiye was brought back to Azerbaijan after modernization work by Turkish Aerospace Industries,” the statement noted.

Mentioning that the vehicle successfully conducted its test flights, the ministry announced: “It was modernized under the Lachin project and added to the inventory of the Azerbaijani military pilots.”

“Tests of the newly installed Turkish-made smart bombs and missiles on the aircraft have been completed, and the work done in general has been positively evaluated by military experts,” it underlined.

At this week’s International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF) in Istanbul, Türkiye, a contract was signed between the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry and TAI for modernization of the Azerbaijani Su-25s.

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