Women in gastronomy topic discussed in Turkish capital Ankara

Women in gastronomy topic discussed in Turkish capital Ankara

- 2-day long gastronomy event held at Baskent University with participation of Spanish, Turkish, Slovenian chefs

By Gozde Bayar

ANKARA (AA) – ​​​​​​​Baskent University in the Turkish capital, Ankara, hosted world-known chefs to highlight the role of women in gastronomy.

The two-day long event, which kicked off on Sunday, was organized together with the embassies of Spain and Slovenia in Ankara and the Cervantes Institute in cooperation with Baskent University.

Monday’s program started with the documentary screening of “Sol Sostenible” (Sustainable Self in English) by Spanish chef Maria Jose San Roman.

Roman, who is the founder of Women in Gastronomy, stressed that talent in gastronomy has no gender.

The documentary showed that she became professional in cooking after giving birth to three children.

She underlined the importance of promoting national cuisines and products to create a signature dish.

She advised gastronomy and culinary art students to read and search as much as they could and also travel to taste different flavors.

Following the documentary session, Roman and two other Spanish chefs Maria del Dulce Jimenez and Mimunt Hamido and Turkish chef Aylin Yazicioglu gave workshops to students in three different kitchens.

Chefs demonstrate the dishes in practice to students who hanged on their words to learn tips from the female stars of the gastronomy sector.

The chefs prepared romesco and anchovy salad, bonito with wine vinegar, Santiago almond cake, sour pear and beetroot dessert, and freekeh with baked pumpkin and mushroom.

The dishes were served to officials from embassies, faculty members, and other guests.

Hector Castaneda, a Spanish Embassy official, thanked the university staff for their efforts in this organization, which they hope will be the beginning of a long, fruitful collaboration in this field.

Castaneda said he sees the event as a “bridge” between the Turkish and Spanish cultures, and it helps people to build relationships.

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