Yemeni people's resistance councils unite against Iran-backed Houthis

Yemeni people's resistance councils unite against Iran-backed Houthis

Newly formed People's High Council of Resistance to be comprised of young people without military background

By Iyad Nabolsi and Gulsen Topcu

ADEN, Yemen (AA) - People's resistance councils from various provinces of Yemen formed an umbrella organization Sunday called the People's High Council of Resistance to act in coordination in the fight against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel group.

They issued a statement following a two-day conference in central Marib province.

Hammud al-Mihlafi was appointed head of the umbrella organization, which consists of young people who are not affiliated with the military and security forces.

The council’s General Secretary, Emin Debvan, told Anadolu that representatives from people's resistance councils in the capital Sana’a and Dhamar, Al-Mahwit, Ibb, Taiz, Marib and Aden participated in the conference.

Debvan said the uniting of the councils is a significant step towards the people's resistance playing a greater role in the country's "liberation" war.

The Houthis have been in control of Sana'a and some regions since September 2014.

Coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia have been supporting the Yemeni government against the Houthis since March 2015.

*Alperen Aktas contributed to this story from Istanbul

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