Yemen’s Houthis say they targeted Israeli ship in Arabian Sea

Yemen’s Houthis say they targeted Israeli ship in Arabian Sea

Group says it targeted MSC SARAH V with ‘newly deployed ballistic missile’

By Aziz Ahmadi

SANAA, Yemen (AA) – Yemen’s Houthi group said Tuesday that it targeted an Israeli ship in the Arabian Sea with a new ballistic missile.

In a recorded briefing, the group’s military spokesperson, Yahya Saree, said its forces targeted the MSC SARAH V vessel, “resulting in a precise and direct hit.”

Saree noted that “the missile used in this operation is a newly deployed ballistic missile that demonstrated its accuracy during trial runs.”

“Notably, it has the capability to strike distant targets effectively,” he added.

Israel has not issued a response to the statement.

The Houthis have been targeting ships that are Israeli-owned, flagged, operated or headed to Israeli ports in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden with missiles and drones in solidarity with Gaza, which has been under a devastating Israeli onslaught since Oct. 7 last year.

With the US and UK launching retaliatory airstrikes against Houthi sites inside Yemen, the Houthis declared that they consider all American and British ships military targets.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio

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