YouTuber Kai Cenat charged over PS5 giveaway chaos

YouTuber Kai Cenat charged over PS5 giveaway chaos

PR company behind event issues apology

By Anadolu staff

ISTANBUL (AA) - YouTuber and Twitch streamer Kai Cenat was charged over the weekend with inciting a riot and unlawful assembly after a PlayStation 5 giveaway he organized sparked mayhem in New York City.

The public relations company behind the event meanwhile released a statement apologizing for the chaos.

“We are deeply disheartened by the outbreak of disorderly conduct that affected innocent people and businesses and do not condone that behavior,” local media quoted the company, AMP, as saying in a statement.

A large crowd gathered in Manhattan's Union Square on Friday for Cenat's game console giveaway event.

A crowd of several hundred people tore down construction barricades and hurled objects. Police urged people to avoid the square.

At least seven people were reportedly injured and 66 people arrested.

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