Zambia receives 119,200 AstraZeneca coronavirus doses

Zambia receives 119,200 AstraZeneca coronavirus doses

Jabs assure those due for second dose will receive shots, says official

By James Kunda

LUSAKA, Zambia (AA) - Zambia received an additional 119,200 doses of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine on Friday under the COVAX facility, assuring those due for a second dose of the jab in coming weeks that it was readily available.

Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Kennedy Malama said 300,572 AstraZeneca jabs have been administered, along with 105,156 of the second dose.

“We assure the public that key to our response is ensuring that there is continuity in the provision of essential health services in our country and we can only build on this,” Malama told reporters in the capital of Lusaka.

He reported 97 new infections from 2,529 tests -- the first time the daily infection rate was below 100 in nearly three months.

But those numbers could be put to an immediate test because of the number of public gatherings as Zambia held a general election Thursday.

The number of confirmed cases recorded now stands at 201,867.

Malama also reported three virus-related deaths, bringing the total to 3,515.

“We discharged 669 patients, 10 from facilities and 659 from community management, bringing the cumulative number of recoveries to 194,673,” he said.

Malama said there were currently 3,679 active cases, with 3,436 under community management and 243 admitted to COVID-19 isolation facilities.

He said among those currently admitted, 159 were on oxygen therapy and 65 in critical condition.

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