10 ministers resign in Nigeria ahead of general elections

10 ministers resign in Nigeria ahead of general elections

Some ministers seeking elective positions

By Olanrewaju Kola

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AA) - Ten of the 43 ministers in Nigeria's Federal Cabinet on Friday resigned from office ahead of this month's pre-election exercise by political parties before next year's general elections.

Nigerian Information Minister Lai Mohammed said President Muhammadu Buhari held a valedictory session with the outgoing ministers at the Presidential Villa on Friday.

"There was a valedictory service for 10 members of the Federal Council who have indicated their desire to aspire for higher offices," he said.

The president assured that the 10 vacant positions will soon be filled, the minister added.

Buhari last Wednesday asked Cabinet members seeking elective posts to resign by May 16.

Nigeria's electoral law mandates public officers competing in the general elections to resign at least 30 days before the election.

Some ministers have obtained forms to contest the presidential seat in the February poll.

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