Protestors in Europe show support for Palestine

Protestors in Europe show support for Palestine

Pro-Palestine demonstrators gather in Berlin, Paris to show support, solidarity with Palestine

By Anadolu Staff

ISTANBUL (AA) - Protestors from Germany and France demonstrated Saturday to show support for Palestine.

In Paris, pro-Palestinian demonstrators lied down in Human Rights Square near the Eiffel Tower to symbolize Gazan civilians killed in Israel's airstrikes and bombs.

Protesters, symbolizing those responsible for the deaths of civilians in Gaza, raised their hands painted in red and covered their mouths with their other hand.

Demonstrators also gathered in Wittenbergplatz Square in Berlin and conveyed messages of support and solidarity for Palestine.

Attention was drawn to children and women killed in Israel's bombardments in Gaza.

Demonstrators carrying Palestinian and Turkish flags chanted slogans such as "Freedom for Palestine", "Freedom for Gaza", "Stop the genocide", "Gaza is bleeding silently because the world doesn't want to see" and "Germany funds, Israel bombs."

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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