Israel welcomes US veto on Gaza cease-fire resolution at UN

Israel welcomes US veto on Gaza cease-fire resolution at UN

‘We will continue our just struggle to eliminate Hamas and achieve the set goals,’ says Benjamin Netanyahu

By Zein Khalil and Mehmet Nuri Ucar

JERUSALEM (AA) - Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed on Sunday the US veto of a UN resolution that sought an urgent ceasefire in Gaza

"I greatly appreciate the correct stance taken by the United States in the UN Security Council," the Israeli prime minister said in a televised speech.

Netanyahu criticized countries that supported the resolution.

"Other countries should understand that it is impossible to both support the elimination of Hamas and call for an end to the war aimed at eliminating Hamas," he said. "We will continue our just struggle to eliminate Hamas and achieve the set goals.”

-Urgent cease-fire demand in Gaza stalled by US veto

The US vetoed the resolution at the UN Security Council on Friday.

The resolution, co-sponsored by more than 90 countries, including the United Arab Emirates and Türkiye, was voted on during a Security Council emergency session.

While the UK abstained, the other 13 members voted "Yes."

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