Tennis legend Chris Evert reveals her ovarian cancer has returned

Tennis legend Chris Evert reveals her ovarian cancer has returned

18-time Grand Slam winner diagnosed in December 2021

​​​​​​​By Selcuk Bugra Gokalp

Tennis legend Chris Evert said Saturday her ovarian cancer has returned.

"While this is a diagnosis I never wanted to hear, I once again feel fortunate that it was caught early," Evert said in a statement through ESPN, the media organization where she has worked. "Based on a PET CT scan, I underwent another robotic surgery this past week."

"Doctors found cancer cells in the same pelvic region. All cells were removed, and I have begun another round of chemotherapy," she added.

Evert was diagnosed in December 2021.

The 68-year-old won 18 Grand Slam tournaments -- the fifth most by a woman.

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