1st International Conference of Muslim Councils in the Western Hemisphere

1st International Conference of Muslim Councils in the Western Hemisphere

1st International Conference of Muslim Councils in the Western Hemisphere

1st International Conference of Muslim Councils in the Western Hemisphere 
February 1-3, 2016 
Hyatt Crystal City Hotel 
Washington, D.C., United States of America
A ground-breaking summit bringing Muslim leaders from around the western hemisphere to meet and engage in objective discussion about important issues concerning their communities and societies.
The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) is organizing a conference for the national Councils in the Western hemisphere and some developing countries. This will be the first of its kind to bring Muslim leaders in the West to exchange experiences and discuss serious issues facing their communities.
The objectives of the conference are to 1) enhance communications among Muslim leaders in the West, initiate discussions, and exchange ideas and share best practices; 2) develop strategies designed to deal with the rise of Islamophobia; 3) develop strategies to counter violent extremism., and 4) develop strategic priorities for the Muslim communities among other issues.
The participants in this Conference will be the leaders of the national Councils in North America, Europe, Australia, Latin America, New Zealand, and South Africa. The conference will be held in Washington, D.C. area from Feb 1 to Feb 3, 2016. Expected number of attendees is 250 leaders. The cost is to be covered by sponsors, banquet ticket sales, and donors.

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