21 cases of salmonella linked to Kinder chocolate detected in France

21 cases of salmonella linked to Kinder chocolate detected in France

8 children hospitalized; manufacturer Ferrero removes several Kinder products from shops and supermarkets

By Shweta Desai

PARIS (AA) - Several cases of young children infected with salmonella after consumption of Kinder chocolate products have been detected in France, according to health authorities, forcing manufacturer Ferrero to withdraw several products from the Kinder range.

At least 21 cases of salmonellosis have been identified by the National Reference Centre for Salmonella of the Pasteur Institute, of which eight children were hospitalized, a statement said on Monday.

Salmonella bacteria cause gastrointestinal disorders, which adversely affect young children, immunocompromised subjects, pregnant women, and the elderly. The symptoms include a high fever within 48 hours of consuming the contaminated products.

The infection follows an outbreak of salmonellosis epidemic in several European countries. The infected products are all manufactured in the factory in Arlon, Belgium, containing the same genetic strain that was responsible for an outbreak in the UK and Ireland products, the statement added.

Accordingly, Ferrero has removed four Kinder products from the shops and supermarkets. These include Surprise (20 and 100 grams) with expiry dates between June and October 2022, Kinder Schoko-Bons and Kinder Mini Eggs with expiry dates between April and August 2022, and Kinder Happy Moments, Kinder Mix: 193g, Basket 150g, Plush 133g, Bucket 198g, with expiry dates at the end of August 2022.

Health authorities have alerted consumers to destroy the contaminated products immediately.

This is the second food poisoning outbreak in France this year, following an E Coli outbreak linked to the consumption of frozen pizzas from Nestle's Buitoni brand, which caused the death of two children.

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