3 Bulgarian nationals were held in UK probe over alleged espionage for Russia: Report

3 Bulgarian nationals were held in UK probe over alleged espionage for Russia: Report

Having lived in UK for years, Orlin Roussev, 45, Bizer Dzhambazov, 41, Katrin Ivanova, 31, were held in February, reports BBC

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) — Three suspects who allegedly spied for Russia in the UK have been arrested by British authorities as part of a major security investigation, media reports said on Tuesday.

The suspects — all Bulgarian nationals — have been remanded in custody since they were held in February, BBC reported.

Orlin Roussev, 45, Bizer Dzhambazov, 41, and Katrin Ivanova, 31, were allegedly working for the Russian security services.

The report added that the suspects who have lived in the UK for years, working a variety of jobs, and living in various of suburban properties.

Roussev, Dzhambazov, and Ivanova are charged with possessing identity documents with "improper intention."

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