3 US soldiers dead, 6 missing after Army truck accident

3 US soldiers dead, 6 missing after Army truck accident

Three other soldiers rescued near vehicle in flash flood

WASHINGTON (AA) - Three soldiers have been confirmed dead and six others missing after a light military vehicle was caught in a flash flood in Texas during a training accident.

“The 1st Cavalry Division is grieving after a training accident at Fort Hood during flash flooding this morning,” Maj. Gen. John C. Thomson, the commanding general of the division, said in a statement.

The Army did not release the names of the deceased in line with its internal next of kin regulations.

Three other soldiers were rescued from the water near the vehicle Thursday, according to Fort Hood. They are in stable condition.

The incident occurred near Cold Springs and Owl Creek, located north of the base.

Texas has faced heavy rains in the past week and flood advisories have been issued in many parts of the state. A new batch of storms could dump as much as 10 inches on the state through Saturday.

In a separate incident, a pilot was killed when his F-18 jet crashed shortly after take off during a Blue Angels training run.

It was one of two military plane crashes Thursday.

An F-16 pilot safely ejected after participating in a flyover at the Air Force Academy in Colorado.

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