30 feared dead as passenger boat capsizes in Philippines

30 feared dead as passenger boat capsizes in Philippines

Philippine Coast Guard rescue 40 people after boat sank in Laguna de Bay off Binangonan, Rizal province

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) – At least 30 people were feared dead and 40 others were rescued after a passenger boat capsized in the east of the Philippines capital of Manila on Thursday, a state-run media said.

The boat sank in Laguna de Bay off Binangonan, Rizal province, due to strong winds, according to the Philippine News Agency.

Currently, the powerful Typhoon Doksuri is passing through the Philippines.

A Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) official said the number of rescued and casualties has not yet been finalized because the search operation is still ongoing in the area.

In March this year, at least 31 people lost their lives when a passenger ferry caught fire in Basilan province of the Philippines' southern Bangsamoro Autonomous Region.

*Writing by Islamuddin Sajid

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