Russia urges parties in Niger to use 'peaceful, constructive' dialogue amid coup attempt

Russia urges parties in Niger to use 'peaceful, constructive' dialogue amid coup attempt

Russia looks forward to ‘speedy resolution’ of crisis to ‘restore civil peace for benefit of Nigerien people,’ says Foreign Ministry spokeswoman

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Amid a coup attempt in the West African nation of Niger, Russia on Thursday called on all parties in the country to resolve their issues through “peaceful and constructive dialogue.”

“We are following with concern the developments in the situation in the Republic of Niger, where on July 26 a group of Nigerien servicemen blockaded the presidential palace” and announced the removal from power of President Mohamed Bazoum, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

Zakharova said Russia called on the parties to “refrain from the use of force and resolve all contentious issues through peaceful and constructive dialogue.”

“We look forward to a speedy resolution of this internal political crisis in the interest of restoring civil peace for the benefit of our friendly Nigerien people. We count on the speedy release of President M. Bazoum by the military,” Zakharova added.

Zakharova added that the ministry recommended that Russian citizens refrain from trips to the country that are “not caused by urgent need” until the situation is completely normal.

The Nigerien presidency confirmed on Wednesday that a coup attempt had been carried out.

Bazoum was ousted and the Constitution suspended due to the country’s worsening security situation and socioeconomic crisis, according to a statement by Col. Maj. Amadou Abdramane.

Calling themselves the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Country, the soldiers read out a coup statement on state broadcaster ORTN.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Kaynak:Source of News

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