AI, Industry 4.0 patent applications on rise

AI, Industry 4.0 patent applications on rise

Record industrial property rights applications also seen in 2017 in Turkey, says Turkish Patent and Trademark Office head

By Ayse Bocuoglu Bodur and Mustafa Calkaya

ANKARA (AA) - A 56-percent rise in applications linked to artificial intelligence and the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, has been seen in three years at the European Patent Office (EPO), according to Turkish Patent and Trademark Office head Monday.

The fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, offers technology and digital-based working conditions, which may have negative effects on the workforce in the near future. The Industry 4.0 approach is the new production concept of the future and reflects the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies.

Speaking at the Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and Intellectual Property Law Summit held in capital Ankara, Turkpatent President Habip Asan said: "There is a 56-percent rise in the applications about the artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0 in the recent three years to European Patent Office.

“In 2016, at least 5,000 patent applications about the Industry 4.0 were made."

He also said a record had been set in industrial property rights applications in 2017 in Turkey.

"Patent applications rose nearly 35 percent. Local patent applications exceeded 8,600 for the first time. And with at least 122,000 trademark applications, Turkey retained the lead in Europe," Asan added.

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