AK Party came 1st in every election in Türkiye: President Erdogan

AK Party came 1st in every election in Türkiye: President Erdogan

Founded in 2001, Justice and Development Party celebrates its 22nd founding anniversary under leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan

By Diyar Guldogan

ANKARA (AA) – Türkiye's Justice and Development (AK) Party has won every election since its establishment in 2001, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday.

"We have come to these days by coming first in every election we entered in this journey that we started with the promise of 'Nothing will be the same in Türkiye anymore'," Erdogan said in a video message to mark the 22nd anniversary of the AK Party's establishment.

Founded on Aug. 14, 2001, the party burst onto the political scene under the leadership of Erdogan, who became prime minister in 2003 and has served as president since 2014.

Haling the recent victory at parliamentary and presidential elections in May, Erdogan said: "I believe that this election process, which once again defeated those who see themselves above the national will, will have a special place in our political history."

Erdogan called on AK Party members to work around the clock to prepare for the upcoming 2024 local elections that is expected be held in March.

During the AK Party's 21 years in power, Erdogan said it has produced works and services that will make every inch of Türkiye fertile, adding that "This is the most important reason behind our success in elections."

"Today, just as we celebrate our 22nd birthday with the pride of the victory in the 14-28 May elections, hopefully, we will reach our 23rd anniversary with the joy of the March 31, 2024 election victory," he added.

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