Ambulance workers begin fresh strike in England, Wales

Ambulance workers begin fresh strike in England, Wales

Over 11,000 workers on strike in Wales, in 7 of 10 ambulance trusts in England

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Thousands of ambulance workers on Monday staged walkouts across England and Wales over an unresolved pay dispute.

More than 11,000 workers are on strike in Wales and in seven of the 10 ambulance trusts in England.

"This is entirely the fault of a tin eared government - that refuses to talk pay," said the GMB union on Twitter.

Ambulance workers in Wales decided to join Monday's strike after rejected a new pay offer from the Welsh Government.

Meanwhile, health workers' planned strikes have been suspended in Scotland following a new pay offer with a 14% rise.

Also, Border Force staff on Dover, Calais, Coquelles and Dunkirk ports are on last strike day of their four-day walkout which started on Feb. 17.

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