Anadolu conducts training for Azerbaijani journalists in Karabakh

Anadolu conducts training for Azerbaijani journalists in Karabakh

2-day Global Media Forum held in Shusha, which was liberated from decades-long Armenian occupation in 2020

By Ruslan Rehimov

ISTANBUL (AA) - Anadolu held on Sunday a training program for young Azerbaijani journalists in Shusha, a key city in the Karabakh region which was liberated after nearly three decades of Armenian occupation in 2020.

During the session, organized as part of the Global Media Forum on July 22-23, Cihangir Isbilir, the director of AA News Academy, gave a presentation on the agency's annual War Journalism Training program.

Isbilir stressed the importance of journalist safety in conflicts, and the need for correspondents to have the knowledge and skills, resources, as well as first aid and being psychologically prepared to cover an assignment.

“We organize these trainings to enable journalists share news while safeguarding their lives and equipment. Before and after the second Karabakh War, we held sessions with Azerbaijani journalists and saw the results."

He added: “As part of the Shusha Global Media Forum, we conducted brief informative and practical training sessions as well. We hope that young Azerbaijani journalists, by receiving these trainings and gaining such experiences, will enhance their capacities and accurately represent Azerbaijan's voice, conflicts, and crises to the world in the coming years."

Isbilir said communication and media cooperation between Azerbaijan and Türkiye were deepening by the day.

Erhan Sevenler, deputy editor of photography at Anadolu, also gave a presentation on photojournalism, shared his experiences in conflict zones, and offered advice on safety measures.

Sevenler explained through practical examples the kind of equipment reporters should have to practice journalism under extraordinary and challenging conditions.

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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