Volunteer barbers in Ukraine's Donetsk region provide much-needed relief to soldiers

Volunteer barbers in Ukraine's Donetsk region provide much-needed relief to soldiers

Hairdresser shop near front line helps soldiers disconnect from war and find a relaxed moment to chat and listen to music

By Jose Colon

DONETSK, Ukraine (AA) – Volunteer barbers in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region are providing much-needed relief to soldiers of the 93rd brigade from the country's war with Russia.

A men's hairdresser shop near the front line in the region is providing solace to the soldiers by helping them disconnect from the war and find a relaxed moment to chat and listen to music.

The Donetsk region, a part of the largely Russian-speaking industrialized Donbas region that Moscow annexed last year, is the epicenter of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war that began in February 2022.

*Writing by Burc Eruygur in Istanbul

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