At least 10 injured in Russian missile strike in Ukraine's Dnipro city

At least 10 injured in Russian missile strike in Ukraine's Dnipro city

'The number of people injured in the missile attack on Dnipro has increased to 10. Now, there are three people in a hospital,' says Dnipropetrovsk governor

By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) - At least 10 people were injured in an overnight Russian missile strike in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro, the regional governor said on Thursday.

"The number of people injured in the missile attack on Dnipro has increased to 10. Now, there are three people in a hospital," Dnipropetrovsk Governor Serhii Lysak said in a statement on Telegram.

A 55-year-old woman and two men, ages 33 and 48, were among those injured, he said, adding that "they are in a moderate condition."

In an initial statement, Lysak said a transport facility in the city was destroyed and that seven people were injured, three of whom were men and four women ranging in age from 32 to 55.

“Most of them have lacerations and shrapnel injuries,” he said, adding that six of the injured were hospitalized.

He also said a dozen objects were also damaged, including a bank, a gas station, a hotel, an agricultural company, furniture production, and an administrative building.

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, which began in February 2022, has killed over 9,400 civilians and wounded more than 16,900, according to the latest UN figures.

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