Attack on Ukraine train station 'completely unacceptable': UN

Attack on Ukraine train station 'completely unacceptable': UN

Attacks against civilians, infrastructure are 'gross violations of int'l humanitarian law,' says spokesman for UN chief

By Jeyhun Aliyev

ANKARA (AA) – The UN on Friday decried a deadly Russian attack on a railway station in Ukraine's eastern Kramatorsk city.

"The strike on the Kramatorsk railway station in eastern Ukraine today, which killed and injured scores of civilians waiting to be evacuated, including many women, children and elderly, and other attacks against civilians and on civilian infrastructure are completely unacceptable," Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson for UN chief Antonio Guterres, said in written a statement.

Those attacks, he said, are "gross violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law" and their perpetrators must be "held accountable."

"The Secretary-General reminds all parties of their obligations under international law to protect civilians and of the urgency to agree on humanitarian ceasefires in order to enable the safe evacuation of and humanitarian access to populations trapped in conflict," the statement read.

It also reiterated UN chief’s appeal to all concerned parties to "bring an immediate end to this brutal war."

At least 50 people, including five children, were killed on Friday in a Russian attack on a railway station in Kramatorsk, authorities said.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called the attack "evil with no limits," saying the Russian forces hit the station with Tochka-U missiles.

The Kremlin, however, denied Ukrainian reports of Russian airstrikes on the railway station.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement that allegations by Kyiv of a deadly Russian rocket attack in Kramatorsk are a provocation and "absolutely do not correspond to reality."

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