Austria expels 4 Russian diplomats

Austria expels 4 Russian diplomats

Diplomats engaged in 'acts incompatible with their diplomatic status,' have until Feb. 8 to exit Austria, says Foreign Ministry

By Ahmet Gencturk

ANKARA (AA) – Austria on Thursday said it is expelling four Russian diplomats, accusing them of “acts incompatible with their diplomatic status.”

Two of the diplomats were working at the Russian Embassy in Vienna and two at the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN, the Austrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The embassy personnel have been “declared personae non grate under Article 9 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,” the ministry said.

The other two “committed acts incompatible with the Headquarter Agreements” and will also have to leave Austria, it added.

The four diplomats have until the end of Feb. 8 to exit the country, the ministry said.

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