Barcelona appoint Portuguese legend Deco as sporting director

Barcelona appoint Portuguese legend Deco as sporting director

45-year-old bagged 1 UEFA Champions League, 2 Spanish La Liga titles with Spanish powerhouse

By Selcuk Bugra Gokalp

Barcelona on Wednesday appointed Portuguese legend Deco as the new sporting director on a three-year deal.

"The first team player between 2004 and 2008 signs a contract as sporting director at the Club for the next three seasons," the Spanish powerhouse said in a statement.

"Deco will be in charge of setting FC Barcelona's sporting philosophy and putting together the squad with the coach and the coaching and becoming head of the football section," it added.

The 45-year-old bagged one UEFA Champions League and two Spanish La Liga titles with Barcelona.

"Returning to this club for me is something magnificent. I was here a player. As a kid, I used to dream of playing here. I've fulfilled my dream. I've been part of the club's history, and now returning here in a different role, an important role," Deco said.

He said Barcelona have a "spectacular squad, young talents and we need to continue on this path and keep working."

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