Belgium facing shortages of 200 medicines: Reports

Belgium facing shortages of 200 medicines: Reports

Medicines running low include antibiotics, cold pills, corticosteroids, painkillers, according to local media

By Omer Tugrul Cam

BRUSSELS (AA) – Belgium is facing a shortage of around 200 medicines, including antibiotics and cold pills, according to local media reports.

Some drugs are now unavailable at many pharmacies across the country, the reports said.

These include antibiotics, cold medicines, corticosteroids, some painkillers, and antipyretic syrups for children.

The shortages have been caused by a combination of higher demand, production problems in China, inflation, and rising energy costs, according to the reports.

The issue has been festering for several months and exacerbated by the increase in demand because of rising cold and flu cases in Belgium, the reports said.

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