Biden condoles with Michigan students after 3 killed in shooting

Biden condoles with Michigan students after 3 killed in shooting

'Our hearts are with the students and the families of Michigan State University,' says US president

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President Joe Biden condoled Tuesday with students at Michigan State University (MSU) after three were killed in another US mass shooting.

"I want to take a moment to say our hearts are with the students and the families of Michigan State University," the president said as he addressed a meeting of the National Association of Counties in the US capital.

"It's a family's worst nightmare. It's happening far too often in this country, far too often. While we gather more information, there's one thing we do know to be true. We have to do something to stop gun violence ripping apart our communities," he said to mass applause.

Police earlier on Monday identified the shooter in a campus rampage that left three students dead and five others injured at the Lansing, Michigan-based university.

Investigators said Anthony McRae, 43, went onto the MSU campus and opened fire late Monday as people scrambled to seek safety.

Police said McRae was not a student or affiliated with the university and could not yet provide a motive for the shootings.

"We mourn the loss of beautiful souls today and pray for those who are continuing to fight for their lives," Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said in a statement. "Every Spartan student, parent and staff member should know that Michiganders and Americans everywhere are thinking of you today."

Whitmer and Biden noted that Tuesday marks the fifth year of a shooting that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on Feb. 14, 2018. The vast majority of those killed were young students.

"I met every one of those families and spent time with them all. And a lot of you here have to confront violence in your communities every single day," said Biden.

"We took a big step toward passing the most significant bipartisan gun legislation in 30 years, ghost guns and other things, background checks, but there's a lot more work to do. And I'm committing to get it done with all of you," he added.

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